"Dispo" is an instructive course focusing on managing buyers in REsimpli. Learn how to add individual or multiple buyers, attach them to properties, customize buyer questions, and filter them. Also, explore communication strategies, including bulk emailing and SMS, ensuring efficient buyer management.
"Financials" is a practical course teaching effective financial management within REsimpli. Discover how to link and utilize bank accounts, handle earnest money deposits, manage vendors and account tags, and track purchase, rehab, and sales transactions seamlessly.
A very comprehensive course designed to enhance your real estate investing process.
"Leads" is an extensive course that provides a deep dive into managing leads within REsimpli. It covers everything from lead filtering, customization, and creation to drip campaigns, calendar management, and document handling. Plus, learn to calculate property offers and qualify seller leads effectively.
"List Management" is a detailed course geared towards mastering the techniques of list stacking in REsimpli. Learn about the basics, filter usage, data editing, skip tracing, and bulk actions. It's your ultimate guide to streamline property records and manage marketing lists effectively.
"Marketing & Lead Gen" is a focused course offering insights into lead generation strategies within REsimpli. Discover how to execute direct mail campaigns, leverage agent referral networking, and use the innovative 'Driving for Dollars' feature to supercharge your real estate marketing.
"Operations" is an essential course outlining daily procedures in REsimpli. Master the art of running effective daily huddles and weekly sales meetings, reviewing leaderboards and KPIs, and understanding the tasks for a Lead Manager, Acquisition Manager, and Disposition Manager to kickstart their day.
"Phone System" is a concise course equipping you with the skills to operate the REsimpli call system. From setting up call flows and purchasing phone numbers to managing repeat callers and in-app answering, it's your guide to effective telecommunication in real estate.
"REsimpli Integrations" course offers insights on effectively connecting various platforms with REsimpli, such as Xencall, Launch Control, BatchLeads, Carrot, Mojo Dialer, and Zapier. Elevate your productivity and streamline your real estate operations through seamless integration.